The place where you can get a personalized and hand-made bouquet is the florist. At a florist's shop, they would be able to accommodate any kind of flower arrangement that you request. For example, you could request a flower arrangement for a funeral or a graduation day of someone. Whatever kind of request that you want, a florist should be able to fulfill it. They have got the kinds of flowers that are needed to create some great looking bouquets. And that would mean that it is not that difficult to create a nice-looking custom bouquet. You would only have to choose the kinds of flowers to use, and the florist will take care of the rest. You may even just tell the florist what you would like the bouquet to generally look like, and they would be able to create a custom bouquet of flowers to fulfill your order as well.
When you order a custom bouquet from a florist, they would also be able to deliver it to the intended person. So it would be really easy to have a bouquet delivery ready for the person that you want to surprise. And they would really be surprised because they will be given such a nice-looking bunch of flowers. They would probably not have seen your bouquet before, because if you have one custom-made then it will be one of a kind. Therefore, a custom-made bouquet could be the most personalized and unique gift that you could give someone.